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Gigan: Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes

"Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes is a swirling, miasmic maelstrom of blown-mind sonic sorcery, taking "extreme metal" as a mere template for which to blast off into the furthest, most f**ked-up hinterlands of both the imagination and the cosmos itself. Psychedelic, hypnotic, disorienting, and above all challenging." Thus speaks the record label and having listened numerous times to the record I have to say that pretty much sums up the second album from Gigan.

As our own Pete Pardo said about their debut CD The Order of the False Eye, Quasi-Hallucinogenic Sonic Landscapes will not suit everyone's tastes for here we find ourselves in deepest darkest technical death metal land and quite scary it is at times. Have a look downwards at the song titles, many of us may have a gander at those and laugh like drains at their pretentious nature but to be fair Gigan have so much going on in each track that it is quite difficult not to be swept along with them.

Loud, very loud this is perfect for really annoying the neighbours or indeed, the whole town.

Track Listing:
1) "Mountains Perched Like Beasts Awaiting the Attack"
2) "Suspended In Cubes of Torment"
3) "The Raven and the Crow"
4) "Within the Tentacled Grasp of a Buried Behemoth"
5) "Transmogrification Into Bio-Luminoid"
6) "Skeletons of Steel, Timber and Blackened Granite"
7) "Vespelmadeen Terror"
8) "The Fathomless Echoes of Eternity's Imagination"

Added: May 19th 2011
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band MySpace Page
Hits: 3121
Language: english

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