One of the coolest albums I have heard recently is this terrific instrumental metal band from Portugal. Much in the way that many bands have a female lead singer and a growler to offset each other, Godog uses a duel guitar vs. violin for the same effect. For an instrumental band this one is as heavy as they come but there is this melodic and enchanting violin that runs through their work that is like the light to the heavy darkness underneath.
Through the seven songs on this disc the band takes you on a trip that rejuvenates, invigorates and otherwise enhances your quality of life. Good music can do that and this band is at the top of their game. When I first put this disc on and the crunching guitars of "Following Ashes" hit me I thought we were in for an Iron Maiden type romp. Little did I know just what was waiting for me as I delved further. As the soothing sounds of a violin started to calm, I was torn between the headbanging mode and the just shut up and enjoy this marvelous concoction that the band has brewed up.
Sometimes dark, sometimes light, always entertaining with a majestic sense of style this is an album that could become a soundtrack to so many aspects of your life. No vocals to get in the way, this band manages to Tell Me A Story using their music in such a way that it says more than words could. Of course each song is going to be interpreted different by every listener but the main thing is that each person will come away with a picture painted by the artists called Godog.
An instrumental album is risky business but this band pulls it off. They have come up with something unique that real stands up after many times in the player. Each trip there I find new things that always bring a smile to my face. A little guitar fill here, or a bit of orchestration that changes the complexity of the composition or that violin that at times is so soothing and at others just as eerie and brooding. This is music that will grip you and hold on tight till the last song plays. Enjoy being engulfed, it doesn't happen often enough and I certainly hope that Godog gives us some more of this in the future.
One warning, the liner notes are all in Portuguese. I would really like to know what it says so I hope that they come out with an English version or at least a translation on their page. The music itself needs no words but I would like to see what the band has to say about the disc.
This is a very delightful album that is just magnificent on so many levels. Go seek it out and I will guarantee that the music lover and the headbanger in you will both be thrilled.
Track listing:
1. Following Ashes
2. Dex
3. Disturbia
4. Eat
5. Tell Me A Story
6. Raven
7. A Vaca de Fogo