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Poverty's No Crime: The Chemical Chaos

German juggernaut Poverty's No Crime returns for a fifth installment of hard-hitting progressive metal done the way it should be. Not a dull moment on this disc as it assaults the senses right from the opening chords of " Walk Into Nowhere." Sounding as if they've been doing this since...forever, the band rips through track after track with the precision and finesse of a surgeon.

Blending many of the finer elements of progressive metal heavyweights such as Threshold, Fates Warning and of course Dream Theater; The Chemical Chaos establishes the band as a bona fide contender for the hard progressive crown.

Guitarists Marco Ahrens and Volker Walsemann tear up your headphones with crunchy, phat power chords and mind-bending solos; all punctuated expertly by the keyboard wizardry of Jorg Springub . Tracks like the superb instrumental " Terminal Trip" showcase a band in full possession of it's musical prowess. Mr Walsemann also demonstrates that he's no slouch in the vocals department either. His strong, mid-range voice sometimes bears similarity to such notables as Damian Wilson , though much less high-pitched.

The disc's main stength resides in the fact that every song is well crafted, balancing bombast and quieter moments ; thus allowing the music to breathe. The production is also top-notch, creating a wall of sound which knocks the listener flat on his ass! This one grabbed me from the first listen and just keeps getting better with repeated spins. Grab yourself a cold one, slip on the headphones, and crank it to 11! Highly recommended.

Track Listing:

  1. Walk Into Nowhere ( 6:33)
  2. Every Kind Of Life ( 6:15)
  3. All Minds In One ( 6:37)
  4. A World Without Me ( 5:26)
  5. Terminal trip ( 6:53)
  6. Pact With The Past ( 8:58)
  7. Left To Chance ( 4:43)
  8. Moving Target ( 6:16)
  9. Do What You Feel ( 7:17)

Bonus Track:

  1. Access Denied ( acoustic version) (4:41)

Added: January 26th 2004
Reviewer: Yves Dube
Related Link:
Hits: 4143
Language: english

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