The second installment in the 777-saga, 777 - The Desanctification continues the musical journey initiated on 777 - Sect(s) and takes the listener further into the dark soundscape of Blut Aus Nord's universe.
The seven tracks on this release seamlessly transist into one another without the listener hardly noticing, the reason being that the brand of post-black metal found on this album is really atmospheric and easy to lose oneself in. Combining guitar figures doom and gloom with electronic beats (some more blatantly electronic than others, though), the focus of Blut Aus Nord on this release is on generating a dark ambiance, and, well, mission accomplished. The use of creepy vocal effects and the perfect balance between repetition and variation further strengthen the atmospheric and dark feel of the album.
Fans of post-metal and atmospheric rock should definitely check out this work of darkness.
Track listing:
1. Epitome VII
2. Epitome VIII
3. Epitome IX
4. Epitome X
5. Epitome XI
6. Epitome XII
7. Epitome XIII