Svarti Loghin: Sea of Green
Sweden's own Svarti Loghin is back with a five tracks EP. The band has also two full lengths (Empty Worlds 2008 and Drifting Through the Void 2010) under their belt.
One thing to mention right from the beginning is that this is in no way to be considered as your usual Scandinavian extreme music. On the other hand, Svarti Loghin is far from the progressive Flower Kings. So what is it exactly? Well, their style could be seen as a mixture of melodic and melancholic type of music. The guitar work is the best element, since it is melodious in all his application, especially in those clean arpeggios and leads. Then you have those, always appreciated by this writer, acoustic passages. Some heavier tones are also thrown here and there occasionally to add texture. More ambiences are being provided by discrete keyboard patterns too. The vocals are sort of boring and monotonous. At times, I got the feelings those guys are lacking inspiration and/or motivation. That is actually the way I would sum up this release: uninspired. Besides the mood itself, I noticed the compositions were a bit repetitive in general. Opening tracks are instrumentals; putting more emphasis on the nice guitar playing. On the last song, "Black Moon", they use some slide guitar, much to my pleasure. The acoustic guitar is more prominent on "Transparent", one of my favorite tunes.
Sea of Green has some interesting moments, but as a whole, this EP is somewhat boring.
Track listing:
1. Cloud Man
2. Sea of Green
3. Transparent
4. Celestial bound in cosmic infinity
5. Black Moon
Added: January 16th 2012 Reviewer: Denis Brunelle Score: Related Link: More Information Hits: 2150 Language: english
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