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Grand Magus: The Hunt

New label, new drummer but most importantly a new album, in the form of The Hunt. Like the daylight returns for another year over the fjords Grand Magus return with a classic slab of catchy thundering metal and all seems complete. Now signed to Nuclear Blast, Grand Magus has finally found their spiritual metal home with people who know and embrace their old school style of good honest heavy metal. Its simplistic style is what is truly embracing about Grand Magus, no fuss, no frills just a three piece hammering out some of the most catchy rhythms and chorus' alive in metal today. 'Starlight Slaughter' is sublime; a chorus that will have you humming along its melody for generations to come, 'Valhalla Rising' reaches for the burning torches to escort you away in a swathe of rhythmic flowing riffs. JB's vocals are strong and true; you really feel the belief in his lyrics inspired by his strong Swedish traditions. Complemented by some classic metal guitar solos he really has become Heavy Metals secret weapon, an amazingly focused talented guy. New man on the stool, Ludwig "Ludde" Witt performs seamlessly and batters out the strong pulsating beats to title track 'The Hunt' allowing JB to let loose some six string attacks.

The surprise on the album must be the Swedish folk tinged six minute plus 'Son Of The Last Breath' which has 'anthem' written all over it. A majestic build up makes way for an emotional outburst of JB covering a mix of vocal styles, from the almost guttural, to the soaring, simply inspirational.

For too long now Grand Magus have been treading water and not gained the success they truly deserve, The Hunt will put all that right. Not a drastic departure from a strong tested formula but certainly a new found maturity and confidence that proves if you stay true to your beliefs things will eventually happen for you. As the oar strikes the water this is sure to cause a tsunami throughout the metal world, onward to Valhalla!

01. Starlight Slaughter 4:19
02. Sword Of The Ocean 4:28
03. Valhalla Rising 4:51
04. Storm King 4:23
05. Silver Moon 4:43
06. The Hunt 5:24
07. Son Of The Last Breath 6:49
08. Iron Hand 3:44
09. Draksådd 5:52

Added: June 5th 2012
Reviewer: Mark Davies
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 4174
Language: english

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