Carach Angren's Where Corpses Sink Forever is a concept album which begins with a narration entitled "An Ominous Recordong". This track deals with the narrator ordered to kill 7 prisoners when something goes horrificly wrong. As far as openings goes this is a classic for creating a creepy atmosphere for the rest of the album. Concept albums I find generally either work or they don't-In the case of Where the Corpses Sink Forever the album works as the band doesn't sound like it is trying to force its way through the concept. Instead, like a book the songs flow one to the next and are best enjoyed in one sitting, like chapters read straight on through and not read individually independent of the rest of the album. As far as symphonic black metal goes, the album is incredibly well played and most of all chilling, yet accessible, most similar to Dimmu Borgir. As one who is not generally a fan of concept albums, I must admit I was extremely impressed by the album and highly recommend it.
Track Listing
1. An Ominous Recording
2. Lingering in an Imprint Hauting
3. Bitte Tote Mich
4. The Funery Dirge of a Violinist
5. Sir John
6. Spectral Infantry Batallions
7. General Nightmare
8. Little Hector What Have You Done
9. These Fields Are Lurking