Rusted Brain: Juggler EP
Sometimes an EP is just the perfect length for up and coming bands. Fans need a chance to listen to a few tracks in order to see whether they want more. I also like the way that EPs are usually quite strong in terms of songwriting and performing. With Juggler, I was especially impressed with how tight the band sounds, especially the guitars. For the most part, each song has a strong hook and workable melodic lines to keep listeners engaged. I was especially impressed with the closing track "Anxiety" largely because of how strong the band sounded.
These days, most bands can play well enough; vocals, however, are almost always subject to a certain amount of critique. I think that's because several bands are mostly exploring the seemingly limited variety of growling, guttural, vocals. The vocals on this release are more melodic, I suppose, but they are also a little overwhelming. What I'm suggesting is that the singer holds on to some of the notes / words too long. Check out, for example, the title track "Juggler." The singer doesn't sing so much as he seems to rhythmically declaim the lyrics. In this case, though, his voice is so thick that it overwhelms the music. He sings with a phlegm-infused quality that was, for me, a little too much.
Track Listing:
1. Bloodpath
2. Juggler
3. Waiting for Death
4. Anxiety
Added: August 9th 2012 Reviewer: Carl Sederholm Score:    Related Link: Band Facebook Page Hits: 2220 Language: english
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