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Roll On Three: Roll On Three

Now here's a beauty of a debut EP, happily mangling a dump of doom, a thrice of thrash, a heap of hardcore and a soupcon of stoner. It's like someone put Clutch, Pantera, Kyuss and Rancid in a lift, set it for warp-speed and punched in a three hour continual ride from top floor, to basement. Once the doors went "ping" and swooshed open, Roll On Three would slowly, but deliberately ooze onto the carpet, leaving a sickening stain that three decades of scrubbing won't remove. However the sickening stench this Edinburgh Scotland outfit leave wafting in the air, would have enough power to smack you in the guts and leave you wincing.

Vocals that make Phil Anselmo sound like a carol singing pre-school girl and riffs big and fat enough that if they sat on you you'd explode, are what make the deepest mark. However song by song Roll On Three hit home. "My Lost Way" slices you down with a killer groove, drums steamrollering through you, "The Road" cranks up the aggression, while the short blast that is "I Cast My Stone" veers from hardcore pile-up to spacey doom-fest. The smell of Sabbath infuses "My Friend Misery", while the clever wordplay of "Born To Reign Hell" offers down a slow tortured riff that squarely hits its mark. Unfortunately the only song that doesn't quite convince in the same manner is the long closing track "Ghost Like Shadow", which running at just over eight minutes seems to lack the direct vision of its EP mates, having a less focused vocal where screaming hollers replace the sharp growls that punctuate elsewhere. However it is all relative, as you couldn't exactly class even this missed step as clunker territory.

If this is how convincing this band is on their maiden outing, then roll on their full length debut. In fact, Roll On Three!!

Track Listing
1. My Lost Way
2. The Road
3. I Cast My Stone
4. My Friend Misery
5. Born To Reign Hell
6. Ghost Like Shadow

Added: December 17th 2012
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Roll On Three on BandCamp
Hits: 1850
Language: english

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