Garden are, according to bassist and songwriter Samuel Bradley are a band from Edinburgh, Scotland and, " we play along the lines of symphonic/progressive metal but with a stronger emphasis on authentic, organic sounds than most comparable acts, the group itself including piano, violin, cello, brass and woodwind alongside the standard metal lineup."
Whilst I fully take on board that I am writing this very early in January 2013 it wouldn't be unfair to suggest that this is one of the more intriguing pieces of work I've heard for quite a while. There's more going on in these three songs than many bands fit into an entire lifetime. It's genuine progressive rock. At times for instance, "Composite Queen" sounds as if Roxy Music and Focus have got together for a jam – and this is a good thing, believe me. You really have to experience this yourself, no amount of vicarious reviewing can help you to fully understand how good this is and the potential of this band. Go to the link below and have a listen.
Track Listing:
1) Composite Queen
2) North
3) Freya's Song