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King Conquer: 1776

From Florida comes King Conquer and their second full-length release for Mediaskare Records, 1776. As far as brutal deathcore goes, this band is not really going to surprise you with anything new here, and for those who are already of the opinion that 'if you've heard one deathcore band, you've probably heard them all', you can stop reading this review now and move on to something else. Honestly, there's a lot of really bad deathcore out there, as well as plenty that is actually not too bad but just so damn repetitive. Chalk King Conquer up in the latter category, as 1776 is certainly brutal enough and hits all the right buttons as far as maniacal vocals, sledgehammer rhythms, and crushing riffs & breakdowns go. Problem is, are King Conquerer bringing anything new to the table that we haven't already heard from Suicide Silence, Whitechapel, Carnifex, Despised Icon, The Acacia Stream, Emmure, and the like? Not really, and I'd be lying if I told you that these guys are any more enjoyable than any of those other acts, half of whom are already as stale as last weeks white bread. Still, if your thing is ferocious hardcore littered brutal death metal, then tunes like "Tyranny", "Empires", and "Dead Last" will certainly get your pulse racing, but don't expect a reinvention of the wheel by any means.

Track Listing
1) A Day Late...And a Dollar Short
2) Empires
3) Demoralized
4) Tyranny
5) Dead Last
6) Solitary Confinement
7) Side Effects
8) The Color Green
9) Novus Ordo Seclorum

Added: July 22nd 2013
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 2294
Language: english

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