Oliver Dawson Saxon: Blood And Thunder Live
More than a decade since guitarist Graham Oliver and bassist Steve 'Dobby' Dawson put their own version of Saxon together under the Oliver Dawson Saxon moniker the band are still going strong, continuing to be a live draw most notably across mainland Europe and Germany in particular. The last 12 months have seen a new vocalist join the ranks in the shape of Brian Shaughnessy and so this live release is somewhat timely. In releasing a studio album of new material – Motorbiker – a couple of years back ODS are not entirely all about nostalgia although it is undeniably the classics that the crowd have come to enjoy and they are all here plus one or two deep cuts. Oliver and Dawson both have their names on the songwriting credits for the likes of 'Crusader', 'Dallas 1PM' and 'Denim and Leather' and the versions here overflow with raw energy and power, just three of the numerous NWOBHM classics featured here. Shaughnessy acquits himself well and whilst ODS will never enjoy the level of success currently being enjoyed by Biff & Co they are most definitely more than just a tribute band.
Track List:-
1. Schwermetal Fur Immer
2. Past The Point
3. Everybody Up
4. Crusader
5. Whippin' Boy
6. Redline
7. Motorcycle Man
8. Denim And Leather
9. Dallas 1PM
10. Fetzen Fliegen V
11. Princess Of The Night
12. Rock 'N' Roll Gypsy
13. Strong Arm Of The Law
14. And The Band Played On
Added: July 17th 2014 Reviewer: Dean Pedley Score: Related Link: Facebook page Hits: 2273 Language: english
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