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Midnight Mosaic: Fire Work

I know, you want me to tell you what genre Midnight Mosaic neatly slot into, don't you? Well, once they know, I'll be sure to inform you. Genre isn't the point here, grooves are the point, sass is the point, hooks are the point and dropping it all from a great height and running with the results, that's the point.

As you'd expect with that approach, the Poppy, Funking, Prog doesn't always hit the mark (not even with a wide splash zone), yet "Old School" positively bursts with a grinning strut of hook laden melody as 80s synth shakes its bare ass at the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "Right To Die" suggests Rush at its inception, stabs of layered voice ushering a beat of irresistible proportions into sight, as a slice of mainstream spins uncontrollably into a far more technical helping of Tool. Odd? You betcha! Good? Surprisingly so! Yet as Fire Work progresses so some of the motifs become expected, losing impact as they do so. The initial rush of, "what the hell was that?" turning into "oh, I know exactly what it is now".

However with guitars which dance, pop and sizzle as beats are thumped out with gusto, yet reined in with precision and asinger in the shape of A.t. Hunte, capable of drawing you in with his sheer enthusiasm, then the exuberance of the execution more often than not outweighs the shortcomings of the formula and unremittingly upbeat nature of the music, even though the lyrics can be unexpectedly weighty.

With Fire Work, Midnight Mosaic have created an album that is an undoubtedly fun and engaging listen, although whether it's one which will stand the test of time and the rigour of many repeat listens, I'm not so sure. However if almost any of these tracks were to suddenly appear in your shuffle list, there's little doubt you'll be convulsing to the beat embarrassingly. It's a close run thing, but it is a risk worth taking.

Track Listing
1. Right To Die
2. Spotlight
3. Old School
4. Bazooka Gumption
5. S'Often
6. Abyss
7. Amnesty
8. Underdog
9. My Fair Lady
10. Wait

Added: July 31st 2014
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: Midnight Mosaic at ReverbNation
Hits: 1848
Language: english

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