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Deathtrip, The: Deep Drone Master

Part of me thought that this album, given the title, might be mostly drone music, the kind created by bands like Sun O))), early Earth, and—more recently—Ommadon. But the title is not referring to that kind of droning. Instead, it's the bleak, sad, droning of early 90s Norwegian black metal, the kind with repeated notes, a stark musical atmosphere, and bleak, yet sometimes insightful, lyrics.

For many readers, one of the exciting things about this release is that marks the return of Aldrahn from Doedheimsgard and Zyklon B. I was never much drawn to either of those bands, but I agree that Aldrahn has a haunting, chilling, voice that certainly stands out. His voice is simultaneously rich, thick, and harsh. Fans will certainly welcome his return for this one.

This is black metal done right. Check out "Something Growing in the Trees" and "Cocoons."

Track Listing:
1. Intro
2. Flag of Betrayal
3. Dynamic Underworld
4. Cocoons
5. Sewer Heart
6. Making Me
7. Cosmic Verdict
8. Something Growing in the Trees
9. A Foot in Each Hell
10. Syndebukken

Added: October 18th 2014
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1784
Language: english

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