Heavenly, Fairyland, Adagio, Anthropia, Venturia and Lalu are just a selection of quality French metal bands. And while we're on the subject of French groups it's time to go old school once more with a another of note, as the classic metal beast Lonewolf are back with Cult Of Steel the seventh album by this enduring heavy metal outfit. Lonewolf who have been regularly pumping out their recordings over recent years began their journey back in 1992, and they are still showing loads of passion and fire power in their metal on Cult Of Steel.
Lonewolf's engaging and energetic songs are waiting to be heard on Cult Of Steel, and it starts off encouragingly with "The Cult of Steel" the initial build up on this track is just great then Lonewolf's metal thunder is set free speeding ahead and it doesn't ease as they release the "Hordes of the Night". Next it's time for a "Werewolf Rebellion" Lonewolf's mid paced pumping metal number where the double kicks become more prevalent as it progresses, and they are fired up again for the roaring metal track "Blood Of The Heretic". The melodic guitar licks on "Hells Legacy" draw you in as does the music of "Funeral Pyre", and I do like how Lonewolf mix up the feel for "Mysterium Fidei" so the album doesn't get bogged down with that same old prompt power metal formula. "Made In Hell" and the metal blazer "Children of The Unlight" are the bonus tracks, the catchy mid tempo metal of "Made In Hell" sinks its hooks in easy and would have been a worthy inclusion on the main album.
So Lonewolf's Cult Of Steel is basically best summed up as a whole lot of fun for fans of traditional heavy/power metal.
Track Listing
1. The Cult of Steel
2. Hordes of the Night
3. Werewolf Rebellion
4. Blood of the Heretic
5. Hells Legacy
6. Funeral Pyre
7. Force to Fight
8. Open Fire
9. Mysterium Fidei
10. Grey Wolves