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MORS PRINCIPIUM EST: Dawn of The Fifth Era

Dawn of the Fifth Era is, unsurprisingly, the fifth album by melodic death metal act MORS PRINCIPIUM EST (a name which always appears to be capitalised on their promo material.)The band is built around the vocal work of Ville Viljanen and after many line-up changes now features Mikko Sipola – drums, Teemu Heinola – bass, Andy Gillion – guitars and his fellow six-stringer Kevin Verlay. The album came out at the tail end of 2014, a bit late for potential inclusion in yearend lists. This is a shame as it is a very good record with much to commend it, not least the rather fetching artwork by Alexander von Wieding (Tankard, Karma To Burn, VOLCOM, High Roller, SPV, Napalm.)

It's true to say that nobody has ever listened to artwork so it is good that the music is supremely solid especially the guitar from form the aforementioned Verlay and Gillon which is particularly impressive on "Leader of the Titans" which has more than a touch of Arch Enemy about it. The band doesn't merely stay within the confines of the melodic death metal genre with "I Am War" veering towards power metal whilst "We Are the Sleep" throws in a bit of a curveball with an opening which suggests that the band are playing around with electronica before becoming something altogether more brutal. If you have found In Flames wanting recently then look no further than this.

Track Listing:
01: Enter the Asylum
02: God Has Fallen
03: Leader of the Titans
04: We Are the Sleep
05: Innocence Lost
06: I Am War
07: Monster In Me
08: Apricity
09: Wrath of Indra
10: The Journey
11: The Forsaken

Added: January 8th 2015
Reviewer: Simon Bray
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 1986
Language: english

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