MindFall: Post-Apocalyptical Grind
As an introduction to a band, Post-Apocalyptical Grind does a good job of whetting the appetite for future releases to come, as the Finnish outfit MindFall lay down a strong Melodic Death foundation that surges and pulsates from the off. The five guys who make up this band from the city of Oulu all have previous experience in a number of different acts and as such this four track outburst feels much more assured and confident than many of the self released efforts that attempt to make a mark on the memory. A keen eye for melody keeps the tightly structured tracks in check, vocalist J. Aunola capable of fierce outbursts that while growled and gargled, always feel controlled and concise, while the guitar pair of A. Aunola and J. Tolonen crunch out staccato punches of power. In fact so tight is their delivery that both "Slashed Tongues" and "Dead Inside" are reminiscent of prime era Megadeth, although with a more extreme edge. Control is a key feature, none of the four tracks on show over egging things, or trying to be anything they're not, a feeling of a new band playing to its early strengths a key feature that makes the considered rush of "Shadows Grow Deep" surprisingly mature, or "False Decisions – Fatal Actions" the captivating introduction to this EP that it is.
It's early days for MindFall and while you could argue that what they're aiming at is hardly revolutionary, it is convincing and able to allow this band to make a strong first impression. What follows could be very interesting indeed.
Track Listing
1. False Decisions - Fatal Actions
2. Slashed Tongues
3. Dead Inside
4. Shadows Grow Deep
Added: September 19th 2015 Reviewer: Steven Reid Score:     Related Link: MindFall on Facebook Hits: 1775 Language: english
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