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To the Pain: 7

I hate using the term "throwback" to describe new albums; nevertheless, there are bands, like this one, that try hard to sound like they belong to a previous generation of music. I've noticed that bands like this are cropping up more than ever; their motivation, so far as I can tell, is to recreate the melodic and heavy sounds of a previous generation because they love it and want to add to an already strong body of work. For this band, the inspiration is largely the thrash of the so-called Big 4 bands, but there's also more than a little of bands like Testament, Iron Maiden, King Diamond, and Racer X added to the mix. All those influences are certainly on display on this album, but, as I mentioned above, I can't describe it as a throwback because it doesn't sound like a cheap imitation of any one of those bands. I liked the music on this album, but only to a point. The band is incredibly talented—I recommend checking out the guitar playing, especially on tracks like "Seven" and "Killzone"—but things aren't consistently as strong as they could be. There were times I felt like the big sound and the catchy choruses were not enough to keep things moving along as powerfully as they could have. I also found the vocals occasionally lagged, especially on "Is It My Turn to Die." I do recommend listening to "Don't Eat the Eyes," a heavier track than I expected and one of the darker tracks on the album. Ultimately, this is a good enough release but not an essential one.

Track Listing:
1. March for Mankind
2. Heavens Carnage
3. Seven
4. Killzone
5. Is it My Turn to Die
6. Cry Out for Justice
7. Don't Eat the Eyes

Added: September 29th 2015
Reviewer: Carl Sederholm
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1756
Language: english

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