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Doomsday Ceremony: Black Heart

Brazilian act Doomsday Ceremony play a mix of black metal, classic heavy metal, and thrash, and their latest release for Greyhaze Records, Black Heart, is a solid, if at times uninspiring collection of 'black 'n' roll' that at least shows the band know how to have fun and create honest music. Some of the tunes straddle the 'melo-death' line, like "Valley of Shadows" and the title track, but with a wealth of tasty lead guitar work and crunchy riffs, you're always reminded that these guys probably at their core worship the classic Bay Area thrash era as well as the NWOBHM. "Vultures of War" and "Voice of the Darkness" move into more traditional black metal territory, but that hint of thrash and vintage metal is always there, and "Fury" adds some atmospheric prog and crushing death metal into their eclectic mix. Overall, Black Heart is a decent enough album, with a few very strong tracks and a good amount of variety, but I don't hear enough of their personality shining through, especially in the vocals of Moloch, who sounds like so many other extreme metal singers out there. Great guitar work throughout though, and it would be interesting if these guys decided to jump right into one of the genres they obviously love so much and create a more cohesive album.

Track Listing
1) Vultures of War
2) I Am
3) Voice of the Darkness
4) Intro
5) Slaves of Sin
6) Intro
7) Black Heart
8) Valley of Shadows
9) Fury

Added: April 6th 2016
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1400
Language: english

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