The Defiants is a new band put together by some pretty well-known names in melodic rock/hair metal circles, namely Paul Laine, Bruno Ravel and Rob Marcello who all have ties to the popular '80s/'90s hard rockers Danger Danger. As is often the way the Svengali-like Figure of Frontiers Records' President Serafino Perugino is lurking in the background. He wanted the guys to make some new music…so they did. Quite simple really, like the music itself.
The Defiants erm, 'defiantly' refuse to acknowledge that passing of time or new fads (other than the little percussive breakdown in the middle of the wonderful "Runaway") and from the start of the magnificently melodic "Love And Bullets" party like it's 1987. If this floats your boat then hop aboard there's absolutely tons here for you. "When The Lights Go Down" has a Whitesnake kind of feel to it ("I'm gonna rock it through the night makin' love to you" being a suitably Coverdale-esque lyric.) I can imagine the fanboys creaming themselves all over the melodic wet dream that is "Waiting On A Heartbreak" and even the decidedly clichéd stringing together of classic AOR titles into a lyric (Lil' Miss Rock 'n' Roll) doesn't derail things too much – imagine "When Rock was King", the Jim Peterik song written for Jimi Jamison but slightly cheesier you'll get the picture. "Save Me Tonight" fulfills the necessary ballad quotient effectively leading into the effervescent "Take Me Back" which has a We the Kings feeling to it so there goes my theory about ignoring the last thirty years!
There's a new Ted Poley album out right about now and The Defiants have thrown down a pretty impressive gauntlet.
Track Listing:
01.Intro (Carillon's Theme)
02.Love And Bullets
03.When The Lights Go Down
04.Waiting On A Heartbreak
06.Lil' Miss Rock 'n' Roll
07.The Last Kiss
08.Save Me Tonight
09.Take Me Back
10.We All Fall Down
11.That's When I'll Stop Loving You
12.Underneath The Stars