Carbon 7 has released what I can only deem to be an extremely eccentric and eclectic type of record with this collection of songs. Featuring a choir from London who attempt all manner of vocal styles, this was one helluva CD to really enjoy. While I could appreciate the cleverness in some of the arrangements, I could not stand the self indulgence. While I mean that in the kindest possible way, to be honest I had to turn the wretched thing off because I found I was becoming extremely agitated by the repetitive sounds that I simply did not enjoy.
I am at a loss to determine who their intended market is supposed to be but I doubt it would include many fans of progressive rock music. While I am sure the vocalists could all be considered to be very competent at their craft, the songs presented here are simply too difficult to appreciate musically as they merely represent an ocean of voices with little else to accompany the singing. This is so far removed from the type of music that delivers me my aural pleasure so I am anticipating it will have the same impact on many of the visitors that frequent this site.
The back of their CD states:
The Shout is a London-based choir featuring the talents of an amazing range of singers – from gospel, jazz, blues, Indian classical, contemporary classical, opera, church music and early music backgrounds. It has been called a vocal big band, a club choir, a vocal stomp, a dangerous choir, a choir of Babel. It is all of these things.
Well there you have it! If you are looking for something extremely difficult to enjoy or want your best friends to leave prematurely after an unsuccessful party or are a deft hand at evacuating large volumes of people from flood ravaged areas, war-torn ghettos or other precarious situations, this could work better than calling in the National Guard.
Track Listings:
1. And The Days Are Not Full Enough
2. Tall Stories
3. Axaxaxas MLO Part I
4. Axaxaxas MLO Part II
5. Axaxaxas MLO Part III
6. Axaxaxas MLO Part IV
7. Axaxaxas MLO Part V
8. Why Do You Sing
9. Taking Leave Of A Friend