There's obviously quite a bit of music available here. As I understand it, the band released two versions of this collection: a 2 CD set and a 3 CD set that includes 5 cover versions of Motorhead songs. I am only reviewing the 2 CD set, but I listed the tracks for CD 3 for interested readers.
The 2 CD set basically features the same music played (on disc 1) by Debauchery and (on disc 2) Blood God. The music is largely made up of heavy rock and heavy metal with a little bit of boogie. The biggest difference between the bands lies in the vocals. Of the two, I liked Blood God better, mostly because I liked the way it blended the styles of AC/DC and Motorhead.
I don't think this collection is essential but fans of Debauchery will probably want to hear the way these two closely related bands play the same material. Check out the first few tracks on each disc and see how you like it.
Track Listing:
CD 1 Thunderbeast-Debauchery (Monster Voice)
1. Heavy Metal Monsternaut
2. Murdermaker
3. Thunderbeast
4. Vampire Holocaust
5. City of Bones
6. Crusaders of God
7. Super Killer Death Match
8. Firethrone Overlord
9. Bullet to the Head
10. Devil Dog
11. Second Hand Woman
12. Girl to Adore
13. Super Hot Vampire Lady
14. Anti-Hero
CD 2 Thunderbeast-Blood God (Demon Screaming)
1. Crusaders of God
2. Bullet to the Head
3. City of Bones
4. Vampire Holocaust
5. Girl to Adore
6. Super Hot Vampire Lady
7. Devil Dog
8. Super Killer Death Match
9. Anti-Hero
10. Second hand Woman
11. Firethrone Overlord
12. Murdermaker
13. Heavy Metal Monsternaut
14. Thunderbeast
CD 3 Kill Mister (Tribute to Motorhead)
1. Dogs of War
2. Shut Your Mouth
3. Love for Sale
4. Over Your Shoulder
5. Hellraiser
Added: September 12th 2016 Reviewer:Carl Sederholm Score: Related Link:Band Website Hits: 1646 Language: english
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