Off The Path is a fitting name for this CD. No, it doesn't stray
very far from the well beaten path of progressive or rock music, but it never
quite follows the rules either and the result is a refreshing fun record
that you will probably want to play again and again.
Understanding the artists' objectives with this record significantly enhances
its listening pleasure, so for the history and geography of House Of Not, this
is paraphrased from the band's very impressive press-kit:
The Walkabout is a serial rock odyssey chronicling the journey of wayfaring rock 'n
roller, Nexter Niode, through psyche and soul. This series will be a 5-part epic
journey into the world of rock 'n roll … an initiation into a strange, sensual
and radical world of the free spirit. Join Nexter as he wanders further and further from 'Mainstream' into another world – an
uninhibited universe of music, myth and mirage.
Described as a rock 'n roll orgy of thought, passion and rebellion, the tale
is recounted first hand in rock-narrative, through eighteen-year-old Nexter's own music and poetry. Meet Sad Silk, the guru Ol' Phat Fok,
Friederich-the-fingerpainter of Freak Street, and visit far away 'Sanctuary' as Nexter wanders from
East to West, from Faust to Zen, from padded room to precipice, from innocence
to experience.
Or put in simpler terms, this record is part 1 of a 5-part series that tells the
story of a kid's somewhat psychedelic journey. Part 2 called Sexus will
be released around mid-2005, and will describe how Nexter continues to 'chase the
dragon'. Obsession, power, bondage and a world of sensuality await him on the
next phase of his trip.
Brian Erikson, described as a 'seeker, poet and recluse', came up with the
concept while on retreat in the Himalayas in 2000. He returned to his native
Canada, joined up with Lou Roppoli, and the two of them put the project
together. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the third person in the band -
credited with words and music - is Nexter Niode. The two-man project is deeply
enriched by the contributions of 13 guest artists.
For a debut, this is a remarkable body of work. The style of the music ranges
from progressive rock through Lou Reed's velvet underground sound to barroom
honky tonk. The influences are blues, classic rock, and jazz, and the vocals
recall Roger Waters while the excellent but understated guitar work scream David
Gilmour. The most prominent instrument is the guitar, electric and acoustic,
with piano running a distant second. But there are also bass and drums, as well
as mandolin, backing vocalists, layers of elegant keyboards and synthesizers,
and for a few moments there's even a didgeridoo. There are heavy sections in
which numerous instruments build a glorious wall of sound with wonderful solos
from the enormously talented Roppoli, but most songs are characterized by
Erikson's rather soft, mid-ranged vocals usually played through just a bit of
reverb and held comfortably back in the mix.
"Blood From A Stone" is a 9-minute standout track. It has a very Floydian
timbre throughout, and it's easy to lose yourself in the long instrumental
sections. "Mainstream comes close to a power ballad, with a strong instrumental
passage featuring - as many other songs do - a strong guitar solo. "Ol' Phat Fok"
is driven by a saloon-piano and has a lighthearted air and comical lyrics - very
much a love-it-or-hate-it affair. "High In The Himalayas" is a wonderful
2-minute acoustic guitar and ambient-keyboards piece that ought to have been
longer. Each song is extremely melodic with lyrics that tend toward the
esoteric, the musicianship is very strong, and the production quality is
outstanding - and the packaging is nicely put together with readable lyrics and
background information.
So while Off The Path certainly deviates from the path well trodden,
yet it gets you to the same place. It is not new yet it is unusual - and it is a
real breath of fresh air.
Highly recommended.
Track listing
1. Force of Nature (4:05)
2. Mainstream (5:23)
3. Footnotes (2:51)
4. Off the Path (2:23)
5. Taj Mahal Daydream (1:38)
6. Sad Silk (2:06)
7. A Mile in Those Shoes (2:00)
8. Sacred Cow (0:43)
9. Ol' Phat Fok (4:25)
10. FreakStreet (4:35)
11. Stranger (6:03)
12. High in the Himalayas (1:50)
13. Blood from a Stone (8:46)
14. Sanctuary (3:40)