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Unleashed: Hunt For White Christ

Unleashed are another one of those always dependable extreme metal acts that just keep churning out one solid release after another, and they've been doing so consistently now for close to 30 years. The Swedish Viking horde are back with their latest release for Napalm Records, titled Hunt For White Christ, the fourth release in their concept storyline of 'the World of Odalheim and their Midgard warriors- a story authored by vocalist/bassist Johnny Hedlund himself, comprising of the past, present, and what Hedlund deems as the future of the Viking traditions and values." It's their 13th studio release, and the band are on fire here as if it was day one all over again, the album charged with future death metal classics in "Stand Your Ground", the crushing "Lead Us Into War", the bludgeoning "Terror Christ", the galloping, frenetic "The City of Jorsala Shall Fall", and the atmospheric, yet pulverizing "By the Western Wall". From track to track, the production is crisp and powerful, Hedlund's vocals roaring, the guitars super crunchy, the lead work blazing, and the rhythms bombastic. Plus, so much of the album is super melodic, but not tempering the brutality one bit.

Another interesting aspect is how short most of the songs are, the longest being closer "Open to All the World", which clocks in at just under five minutes. Hunt For White Christ doesn't overstay its welcome, kicks your ass, and leaves you salivating for the next Unleashed installment. Job well done guys, this is an excellent Viking/death metal we've come to expect from you!

Track Listing
01 - Lead us Into War 3:28
02 - You Will Fall 3:35
03 - Stand Your Ground 3:15
04 - Gram 4:10
05 - Terror Christ 3:54
06 - They Rape The Land 4:00
07 - The City of Jorsala Shall Fall 4:12
08 - The Hunt for White Christ 2:36
09 - Vidaurgelmthul 3:24
10 - By The Western Wall 4:17
11 - Open to all the World 4:48

Added: November 23rd 2018
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1313
Language: english

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