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Abrahma: In Time For The Last Rays Of Light

In Time For The Last Rays Of Light is the third studio release from French heavy rock/metal act Abrahma, and this latest platter for Small Stone Records comes following a challenging time for the band, as the entire line-up save vocalist/guitarist Sébastien Bismuth split, with Bismuth eventually coming into contact with a local act Splendor Solis, who he eventually recruited to become the new version of Abrahma. In addition, the concept of the album revolves around personal loss and mental illness, something members of the band have had to deal with in recent years, and this paints a somber yet compelling picture that helps drive this new album. Containing eight tracks, In Time For the Last Rays of Light is not a happy or uplifting album by any means, the music containing elements of doom, post rock, gothic, and classic heavy metal, but it's expertly arranged, with three guitar players all combining to create a huge wall of sound complete with many colors and textures. Opening cuts "Lost.Forever" and "Lucidity Adrift" feature some massive riffing and bubbling electronics, Bismuth's emotional vocals perfectly fitting the brooding melancholia. "Eclipse of the Sane Pt. 1 Isolation Ghosts" is like a midnight jam between David Bowie, Candlemass, Pink Floyd, and Queensryche, huge doom riffing colliding with soaring vocals, tribal drumming, and haunting prog, while "Last Epistle" is a must for fans of vintage Black Sabbath, Pentagram, or Trouble. "Eclipse Of The Sane Pt.2 Fiddler Of The Bottle" is as creepy as it gets, part funeral doom, part Alice in Chains styled dirge metal, the vocals of Bismuth chilling, and closer "There Bears The Fruit Of Deceit" takes things out in grand style, fast chugging riffs blasting through atmospheric, bleak passages of desolation and anguished vocals.

Despite its somber, depressive vibe, In Time For the Last Rays of Light is a potent release from Abrahma. Let's hope this new line-up brings some stability and positive vibes to all in the band so they can continue to deliver music of this caliber going forward.

Track Listing
1. Lost.Forever. 07:09
2. Lucidly Adrift 06:57
3. Eclipse Of The Sane Pt.1 Isolation Ghosts 08:41
4. Dusk Contemplation 00:22
5. Last Epistle 06:08
6. Wander In Sedation 08:23
7. Eclipse Of The Sane Pt.2 Fiddler Of The Bottle 06:24
8. There Bears The Fruit Of Deceit 05:51

Added: August 31st 2019
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band Facebook Page
Hits: 1378
Language: english

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