I have a special space in my collection for those bands that enjoy what they do and present that enjoyment through their music. From Trout Fishing in America, to They Might Be Giants, to Smash Mouth, there is a place for silliness in music. If done correctly, the campy atmosphere and song structure can rise above the cheese and create excellent songs. Hypnotic Clambake attempts just that with their new CD Mayonnaise.
The use of instruments like accordion, trombone, and clarinet, makes for an instant comparison with the amazing They Might Be Giants. But unlike TMBG, Hypnotic Clambake's music does not sneak up on you. They may not get much credit, but the members of TMBG can flat out play. Hypnotic Clambake's main instrument is the vocals. Most songs are structured around catchy, cheesy lyrics with musical accompaniment. The one exception (along with the instrumentals like "Danger Mouse") is "The Man With The Face On The Side". This is by far the best song on the CD and is geared around piano and saxophone.
This CD is mostly made up of short pop-oriented songs that have unique instrumentation and vocal presentation. "Danger Mouse" which is the most complete song and "Clambake" are the only song that are over 4 minutes. "500 Robots" is a good opener with a catch phrase both lyrically and musically.
Mayonnaise is lighter than Smash Mouth, not quite in the league of TMBG, and not as witty as Trout Fishing in America. But if you are fan of any of these bands or you liked earlier releases like Kent the Zen Master, then this CD will entertain and is worth the investment.
Track Listing
1) 500 Robots (3:13)
2) Trouble (3:56)
3) Psychedelic Polka (1:41)
4) Beans (3:56)
5) Windows (3:51)
6) Man With The Face On The Side (3:30)
7) The Scheme of Things (5:20)
8) Turn Your Brain Off (2:25)
9) Danger Mouse (7:49)
10) Just a Mountain (1:57)
11) Woe Is Me (3:15)
12) Clambake (4:45)