Mommyheads, The: Future You
On to another band I had no idea existed until acquiring three of their albums for review. The band is The Mommyheads which formed around 1987 in New York by leader Adam Cohen. Incidentally, he bears no relation to Leonard Cohen who has a son Adam, also a musician. To avoid confusion, Cohen changed his name to Adam Elk. Their first album Acorn was released in 1989, followed by Coming Into Beauty in 1992. After a few more releases the band decided to call it a day in 1998 but came back ten years later and have been together ever since.
The subject of this review is the album No Future, released in 2019. This is not your typical pop music fare, as the band has a layer of quirkiness and much more depth than your average pop band. Really, this is highly sophisticated stuff beginning with the album opening “Woke up a Scientist” and its super catchy vocals and smart arrangement. More tasty guitar and keyboards can be heard in the XTC-like “Mutual Enemy” and in the slower, almost jazzy “One Drop of Beauty” the organ and delicate guitar passages are as tasty as pop music gets. The heavier guitar and gentler moments in the elaborate “Eldsjäl”, the persuasive electric and acoustic guitar in “Compelled” and the “Tom Sawyer” like synth moments in the richly layered “The Hound” are more highlight reel tidbits.
Future You is an excellent proggy pop album that should appeal to those looking for more depth in their pop music. As such, this is easily recommended.
Track Listing:
1. Woke up a Scientist
2. Mutual Enemy
3. One Drop of Beauty
4. Eldsjäl
5. Compelled
6. The Hound
7. Life in a Bubble
8. Prisoners
9. Stockholm
10. What Are You
Added: March 13th 2021 Reviewer: Jon Neudorf Score:     Related Link: Band's Official Site Hits: 846 Language: english
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