Mommyheads, The: New Kings of Pop
I only recently have become familiar with New York based pop band The Mommyheads as I reviewed their 2019 release Future You, and I was impressed almost immediately. The band’s intelligent brand of pop music, even containing the occasional bit of progressiveness really hits the spot for this reviewer. Their latest album, released in 2020, titled New Kings of Pop is another sure fire winner. The band continues to make highly intoxicating music, that is both interesting and compelling with many outstanding melodies scattered throughout the disc’s ten tracks.
The band’s melodic tendencies appear immediately on the first track “Speaker Heart”, four minutes of earworm inducing goodness. A tasty acoustic guitar leads the rhythm, along with a winding fuzzy toned synth, very melodic as are the lead vocals, a strong point throughout the album. The rest of the instruments join in leading to a sing along chorus and perfectly placed background harmonies. At times I was subtly reminded of Echolyn’s vocal prowess. The “Speck Among Giants” begins with crisp guitar chords and what sounds like background Hammond and the bass line is really something to behold. This one gives off a Squeeze vibe, which is meant as a huge complement. With “Take Me as I Am” the XTC feel is back with dreamy keyboards that seem to float and lovely, softer lead vocals. The sophisticated mid tempo pop of the title track channels Queen in the guitar and vocals. Just a great track. The first half of the disc ends with the psychedelic pop of “Ugly Things” highlighted by some interesting chord choices. The disc’s second side is as compelling as the first making New Kings of Pop a superb album and begs the question why this band is not a household name? You be the judge.
A well earned 4.5 stars!
Track Listing:
1. Speaker Heart
2. Speck Among Giants
3. Take Me as I Am
4. New Kings of Pop
5. Ugly Things
6. Greta Thunberg
7. Forensic Hero Deconstruction
8. Out From Under the Glass
9. Flame to the Moth
10. Focus Group
Added: April 8th 2021 Reviewer: Jon Neudorf Score:      Related Link: Band @ Bandcamp Hits: 971 Language: english
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