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Jake Breaks: Breaksy

Wurlitzer and Mellotron, along with a horn section stand out on the opening “Count Me In”, a funky, tuneful, instrumental. “Hyland Green” is an experimental free form track with trumpet taking center stage, while keyboard notes bubble underneath. The song seamlessly merges into the next track “Approaching the Mystical”. A guitar line sets the repeating motif as the band weaves various soundscapes around the progression. Members of Throttle Elevator Music participated in the recording of this album, and there are definitely moments of similarity in sound between the two bands. The songs definitely have groove, and feel very open and spacey, but at the same time there is a connection between various sections. I get bits of electronica as well, with various sound effects being used, while the horns provide a traditional vibe, and melodies you can hang your hat on for a little while. “Shade Streaming” floats along and is the first track to feature any vocals, another mellow spacey tune. “Low Light Bar Scene” is a bass and drum groove that adds some delayed guitar over the top, but gets a bit too repetitive for my tastes. “Befreee” has a 70’s funk vibe, one of my favorite tracks on the disc. The closing track “Day of Quika” sounds like it could be a psychedelic influenced jam track, I like the use of the horns here, the songs where you get more melody draw me in, and this is one of them.

The music is very well played and recorded, it has an open feel, and every instrument has its place and role in the songs. I don’t see this as something I would reach for often, it’s not really my cup of tea, but those who seek out more experimental music, I think this will satisfy you.

Track Listing

  1. Count Me In (3:58)
  2. Hyland Green (3:20)
  3. Approaching the Mystical (3:50)
  4. The Cosmic Club (3:33)
  5. Sliced Bread (3:20)
  6. Shade Streaming (4:20)
  7. Low Light Bar Scene (4:58)
  8. BEFREEE (2:58)
  9. Day of the Quika (5:40)

Added: November 15th 2021
Reviewer: Eric Porter
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 769
Language: english

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