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Infected Rain: Ecdysis

Hailing from Moldova and on the back of a four album career to date, Infected Rain have returned with their own brand of Progressive Nu-Metal/Nu-Metalcore on Ecdysis. Fronted by female vocalist Lena Scissorhands who utilizes both aggressive screaming growls as well as clean and harmonized singing which does give the music some nice juxtaposition and contrast.

The album kicks off with “Postmortem Pt.1” which opens with keyboard synths before kicking into a very Nu-Metal riff and the more growled-style of vocals. The song does shift gears in the clean singing section which helps add a richer dynamic into the mix and the harmonies are also well handled. This formula is largely repeated across Ecdysis with the more Nu-Metal elements generally happening in conjunction with Lena’s screamed, growled vocals while the more progressive elements generally coincide with or are introduced by the clean singing sections. “Longing” shows some nice movement through the track and when the next track “Goodbye” kicks in that opening riff is definitely very head-bang worthy. On “The Realm Of Chaos” they have a guest appearance by Heidi Shepherd of Butcher Babies which if I’m being honest doesn’t really add anything new into the band's bags of tricks. At times the band inject some ethereal passages to break up the heaviness which they for the most part execute well and it makes for a nice diversion from the Nu-Metal sections. On songs like “These Walls I like the direction the song begins with, the great delay and reverb drenched clean vocals over a more prog-metal riff but it loses me a little when the screams come in. The performances are all top notch throughout and the production sounds very clean and professional with a definite big budget vibe.

Infected Rain has a strong, confident sound that will appeal to those who like female fronted death metal, with a strong tilt towards progressive and Nu-Metal and Metalcore as a guiding principle. For myself I find that I really enjoy certain sections and find others fairly gringy. I was never a Nu-Metal kid so perhaps I’m biased but that style never connected with me so when those elements are there it loses me. However the clean singing and progessive sections are pretty damn cool and the whole thing is very well executed despite my own personal bias.

Lena Scissorhands -Vocals
Vadim Ojog "Vidick"-Guitar
Sergey Babici- Guitar
Vladimir Babici- Bass
Eugene Voluta -Drums

Track Listing
1. Postmortem Pt. 1
2. Fighter
3. Longing
4. Goodbye
5. The Realm of Chaos feat. Heidi Shepherd (Butcher Babies)
6. Everlasting Lethargy
7. These Walls
8. Showers
9. November
10. Never the Same
11. Nine, Ten
12. Postmortem Pt. 2

Added: March 5th 2022
Reviewer: Benjamin Dudai
Related Link: Band Website
Hits: 430
Language: english

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