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Predatory Light: Death And The Twilight Hours

Death and the Twilight Hours is the title of Predatory Light’s sophomore album released via 20 buck Spin on May 20th. It’s been 6 long years since the release of their debut, but the quality of the material on this new release is strong, so I don’t think their fans can be too upset about having to wait for a new album.

Black Metal has developed significantly over the last couple of decades. These days the style created by seminal Norwegian bands is only one aspect of what can be described as Black Metal. And whilst the black metal sub-genre has spawned a large scene with a reasonable amount of diversity, I must admit that I’m not always a fan. However, Predatory Light’s music contains a lot of the great aspects of modern Black Metal for my taste- they’re simultaneously riffy, melodic, atmospheric, creative and they have a sinister/eerie vibe to the music. The press release describes the album as “mazes of infernal technicality, ancient evil, and eerie church nightmare black metal of the South European and South American style”. “Mazes of Infernal Technicality”, and “Eerie Church Nightmare Black metal” are both very good descriptions of the album’s sound and mood. The production quality on the album is quite distinctive too- it has an old school aesthetic that is heavily soaked in reverb, and subsequently the album has a truly organic flavour and soul. The riffs throughout the album are melodic and memorable and have some similarities to Dissection’s works. My favourite track is probably the title track, "Death And The Twilight Hours". Its chock full of great riffs and has some real energy.

The album is a 4-track offering with a couple of longer epics contained within the 38-minute run time. I repeat myself a lot in my reviews when discussing track length, but 4 strong tracks and ~40 mins of music is more than enough material for me given there is so much new music to consume in today’s day and age. It's long enough to make a strong impression, without overstaying its welcome. Death And The Twilight Hours is a really enjoyable release and is well worth your time.

Track Listing
  1. The Three Living and the Three Dead
  2. Wracked by Sacred Fires
  3. Death and the Twilight Hours
  4. To Plead Like Angels

Added: May 28th 2022
Reviewer: Chris Reid
Related Link: More Information
Hits: 459
Language: english

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