In July & August of 1981, King Crimson leader/guitarist Robert Fripp embarked on a series of solo shows in New York City at the Washington Square Church...kind of an odd place for a prog-rock concert, but then again, Fripp has never really been the conventional sort of musician throughout his career, has he? You got Robert, his Gibson Les Paul guitar, a Fender amp, a few effects pedals, and his tape loop recorder, creating waves of 'Frippertronics' and then soloing over them. Sounds pretty basic, right? Well, contained in this excellent two-disc set (one CD and a DVD with the content in different audio formats) is perhaps some of Fripp's most ferocious guitar soloing on record, stretched out over 11 tracks, and you have to read the booklet to find out the challenges of piecing the correct loops and solos together to make this recording's a great story! While some of Robert's 'Frippetronic' stuff, as well as the material he did with Brian Eno, can veer too much towards pure electronic music, this is pretty exciting stuff with some absolutely blazing solos from the man himself, so strap yourself in and be prepared to be mesmerized by one of rock's most important guitar players of the last 50 years.
Track Listing
1-11: Washington Square I-XI
Audio Content (Surround Sound Mixes, DTS Digital Surround, Stereo Mixes)