I’ve seen Markus Reuter with Stickmen, and his playing I find very impressive. The Touch guitar is a unique instrument capable of many sounds, and I am in awe of those who have the ability to master it. Anchor & Burden is the vision of Markus Reuter and Bernhard Wostheinrich to expand their music to include drums and a second Touch Guitarist Alexander Paul Dowerk. The music is intense but I find difficult to connect to. From the press release this music is created in the moment, improvised, and I am sure thrilling for these musicians. As a listener, this is not easily digestible. There are certainly some wow moments, but in all honesty it often sounds chaotic and noisy. I am sure these musicians are pushing each other, and as a group are finding themselves absorbed in the moment. I listen to music for enjoyment, and that is not what I get from this disc.
Track List:
1. Corridors of Silent Screams
2. Cerebral Transfixations
3. Hissing Skin
4. The Core Is Organic
5. Shivering Walls
6. Self Assembly
7. Secret Laboratory
8. Royal Augmentation
9. Crown Hive