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Twenty Committee, The: The Cycle Undone

Ten years exactly have passed between the debut album from New Jersey progressive rock outfit The Twenty Committee and its follow up, The Cycle Undone. What the reasons were for that lengthy layoff I’m not so sure, but the fact that keyboard player Geoffrey Langley has been busy with live work with Renaissance in recent times possibly explains at least part of that sabbatical. Here Langley also takes on lead vocals, with the rest of the band made up of Justin Carlton on guitars and additional keyboards, Joe Henderson on drums and percussion, Jeff Bishop on lead guitar and Richmond Carlton on bass and harp. What has resulted from Langley’s time with a legendary act is a welcome cameo appearance from non other that Annie Haslam, who sings on one track, while Laura Langley adds a little autoharp.

As the packaging the CD comes in - which is rather splendid - suggests, we are in modern prog territory here, a space based concept piece playing out via a keen mix of dextrous guitars and some sumptuous keyboard work. All of these aspects are wrapped together through excellent vocals that add an accessibility that the lush production drives home. While drawing their inspirations from that well of prog that was first supped from in the 70s, this outfit don’t sound particularly retro, the soundscapes played out landing somewhere that followers of Spock’s Beard or Ben Craven might well lap up, and rightly so.

What raises The Cycle Undone above the many outfits sitting in similar musical situations is the well placed confidence they deliver their ideas with. The musical interplay between both guitarists and the keyboards is absolutely bang on the money, while the rhythm section is tight but also interesting, and in places verging on flashy without ever becoming too much.

The opening pair of “Recodified” and “Sparks The Mind” are ear-catching, with connected but evolving ideas ignited and then allowed to sizzle out naturally before being relit after other flashes of brightness hold your attention. That a slower burning number like “Embers” can then be added to that mix not only ensures a keen dynamic shift but that a variety of bases are covered - but again, not for the sake of it. Impressively, this album actually picks up steam from there, with the likes of the title track darting and daring while also making space for some wonderful vocals from Annie Haslam, whereas “Robot Death” begins as a plaintive piece of piano before adding all manner of moods and emotions.

We can only hope that it’s not another ten years before The Twenty Committee hit us with their third offering, but then, if it’s as good as this album there’s no denying that it will have been worth the wait.

Track Listing
1. Recodified
2. Sparks In The Mind
3. Embers
4. A Star In The Eye
5. Forevermore
6. The Cycle Undone
7. Robot Death
8. Dust Returned

Added: May 15th 2024
Reviewer: Steven Reid
Related Link: The Twenty Committee @ bandcamp
Hits: 899
Language: english

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