This most recent installment of the Spacefolds series of live improvisations from Quarkspace is a spirited and trippy affair. The psychedelic space-rock band from Ohio have put together twelve great tracks of free-form music featuring frenetic rhythms, loads of keyboard washes and loops, and angular guitar work.
While many groups in the space-rock genre tend to get a bit redundant at times, Quarkspace adds enough variety from song to song to keep things interesting. There is a healthy mix of spacey,atmospheric jams highlighted by trippy synthesizer work, and driving electronic rock improvisations that would make fans of old Pink Floyd happy. Some of the highlights include "Fujita", the psychedelic "Fissure", and the lengthy and futuristic sounding jam "Black Star Shining."
Even though these tunes are very loose and non-complex, there are plenty of melodic solos that keep things interesting.
Quarkspace continues to be at the forefront of modern space-rock/ambient music, and Spacefolds 7 is a true testament to their skills.