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Full Earth: Cloud Sculptors

Could Cloud Sculptors by Norway's Full Earth be the longest single CD in history? With six tracks clocking in at around 85 minutes, the group from Oslo has pushed the CD barrier over the 80-minute barrier by a bit, but in the process, they have delivered a thrilling album bursting with progressive rock, psychedelia, and stoner metal. If you like bands like Elder, King Buffalo, Hawkwind, and Sleep, you've come to the right place, as Full Earth takes subtle elements from all of them and has created its own unique cosmic brew. Openers "Full Earth Pt. 1: Emanation" and "Cloud Scuptors" both clock in at over 20 minutes, each one packed with crushing stoner riffs and layers of spacey keyboard pyrotechnics, while the eerie "Weltgeist" could have come off an early '70s Tangerine Dream album with its haunting synth and organ drones. "The Collective Unconscious" nears the 19-minute mark and harkens back to Pink Floyd's glorious psychedelic era, before the band blows your mind with the exploratory prog behemoth that is "Full Earth pt II: Disintegration".

For some, Cloud Sculptors might be a tad too 'epic', but at no point does this album meander or get boring for this listener, as the Norwegians have a way of crafting some mighty potent cosmic stoner, prog, and psychedelic sounds...all instrumental I might add! Out now on Stickmen Records.

Track Listing
1. Full Earth pt I: Emanation 21:05
2. Cloud Sculptors 20:04
3. Weltgeist 06:07
4. The Collective Unconscious 18:36
5. Echo Tears 05:35
6. Full Earth pt II: Disintegration 13:45

Added: November 19th 2024
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band @ Bandcamp
Hits: 506
Language: english

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