Trigon: Cosmic Kraut Jam
An instrumental psychedelic, rocking, jazzy and let's even throw jam band in for good measure. There’s my description, but what I failed to mention is the burning guitar playing of Rainer Lange, he has free range for the most part to let the guitar do the talking. The band wastes no time giving you a taste of what they do best on the 23+ minute opener “Traumspoiler”. The psychedelic guitar leads over the mesmerizing bass (Stefan Lange) and drums (Rudi Metzler) float across the room, as the music begins to find its groove. Moments of wah-wah drenched goodness transition into a spacey delay, and before you know it Lange is shredding. Hey, we aren’t even ten minutes into the first track yet!!! These guys make a big sound for a three-piece, and they know how to keep the energy level up throughout. Definitely a Hendrix/Trower tone in the brief (for this band anyway) 3 minute “Hinterm Ereignishorizont” and the closing more experimental “Setzt das Sonnensegel” might be where the come closest to a fusion vibe.
If you just want to kick back and listen to jamming intense guitar, then this is the stop for you. Unfortunately, this is a vinyl-only release, so, I had to grab a digital download from the band. I’m hoping they decide to go with a CD at some point; this is just too good not to own.
Track List:
1. Traumspoiler
2. Guten Morgen Aurora
3. Hinterm Ereignishorizant
4. Setzt das Sonnensegel
Added: March 9th 2025 Reviewer: Eric Porter Score:     Related Link: Band @ Bandcamp Hits: 1701 Language: english
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