The dynamic duo from Sweden known as Stone Lake recently reunited after 15 years of not making music together to record an album of ripping melodic hard rock. Well-versed in the classic rock sounds of Bad Company, Whitesnake, Van Halen and Dokken, vocalist Peter Grundström (who's equipped with Tony Harnell-like lungs, by the way) and multi-instrumentalist Jan Akesson bookend the 11 high-energy tracks on their debut, Reincarnation, with the spoken-word title-track opener and the brief instrumental closer "Tsunami," dedicated to the memory of "the victims in Asia." In between are catchy scorchers like "Saint Or Evil," "You Strike Me With Love" and "WonderLand" that combine melodic sensibilities of the Eighties with the sounds of contemporary European metal. Considering the do-it-yourself nature of this project — Akesson produced, recorded, mixed, engineered and mastered the album, and the packaging is amateurish and sparse — the production on Reincarnation is stellar.
Track Listing:
1) Reincarnation
2) You Strike Me With Love
3) Saint Or Evil
4) All I Need
5) Mistreated Heart
6) Mason (The Miracle Boy)
7) Walk on the Rainbow
8) Only One Reason (Album Version)
9) Call My Name
10) WonderLand
11) Tsunami