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Edguy: Superheroes (EP)

After releasing seven studio albums that deftly walked the line separating mainstream hard rock, power metal and progressive metal, Edguy continues its streak of taking few false steps. As a prelude to Rocket Ride, the German band's next album, Superheroes is a six-track, 26-minute EP that, like 2004's King of Fools EP, contains only one song (the title track) that will appear on the forthcoming record. But the rest, vocalist Tobias Sammet notes on the band's web site, are "real songs … not stupid bonus tracks."

"Superheroes" practically bursts with enthusiasm and energy, boasting a piano line that decrescendos during the chorus to add texture and class. The "epic version" of the same song, which closes the EP, is actually the least majestic song on the album, elegantly stripped down to piano, strings and Sammet's voice, which sounds more emotive than usual. The real epic here is "Judas at the Opera," a seven-and-a-half-minute tour-de-force featuring guest vocals by Michael Kiske. With signature goofy lyrics ("Forever French-frying/You'd love to see me dying/Who's let the peacock in/To rock the house - opera house") juxtaposed against a pick-up-the pace wall of sound, the song recalls high-drama pieces from previous Edguy albums. Other songs include "Spooks in the Attic," which bears a passing resemblance to Iron Maiden's "Wasted Years" yet proves why Edguy is among Europe's most melodic metal outfits; "Blessing in Disguise," the album's only true power ballad; and a respectful version of Magnum's "The Spirit." It all bodes well for Rocket Ride.

Now if only Sammet hadn't opted to pose for the back-cover photo wearing a tacky "I Eat Pussy" T-shirt …

Track Listing:
1) Superheroes
2) Spooks in the Attic
3) Blessing In Disguise
4) Judas at the Opera
5) The Spirit
6) Superheroes (Epic Version)

Added: September 27th 2005
Reviewer: Michael Popke
Related Link: Official Edguy Web Site
Hits: 4242
Language: english

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» SoT Staff Roundtable Reviews:

Edguy: Superheroes (EP)
Posted by Pete Pardo, SoT Staff Writer on 2005-09-27 11:02:39
My Score:

As a little snack before the release of Rocket Ride, Edguy have released the Superheroes EP, which includes the single of the same name, as well as a few bonus cuts that will not be on the upcoming album. The single is included in two forms here, the rocking and melodic metal version, and an orchestrated "epic" version featuring piano and strings. The single version is another perfect example of the direction that Edguy has been going the last few years. Gone are the raging double bass drums and speed metal guitar heroics, instead replaced by straight- forward hard rock and metal riffs, keyboards, and ultra catchy melodies and harmonies. It's a style that Stratovarius is also attempting right now, but Edguy seem to have a better knack at it. "Superheroes" starts off with some James Bond sounding guitar riffs before the symphonic keyboards blaze in with the soaring vocals of Tobias Sammet taking over. It's a fun and catchy song that you will find impossible to get out of your head, which is how great songs are supposed to effect you. "Spooks in the Attic" is another catchy piece, a little bit heavier than the single, but with some nifty guitar work from Jens Ludwig and Dirk Sauer and complimentary unison keyboard lines. The band goes for a more epic and full sound on "Blessing in Disguise", as they slow it down with a moodier arrangement which gives Sammet a chance to convey the darker lyrical imagery perfectly. Guest singer Michael Kiske (ex-Helloween) rips it up with Sammet on the rousing "Judas at the Opera", which is the EP's lone power/speed metal ripper, and harkens back to Edguy's earlier days as well as the glory years of Helloween. Kiske and Sammet's voices are very similar, so they compliment each other nicely here. The layers of backing vocals here are just wonderful, as the band comes across as a cross between Helloween and Queen on this one, and the keyboard orchestrations add a nice progressive quality as well. Hearing this tune only made want to hear Kiske again in a high profile situation, as his quality vocals are really missed in the metal world. The band even does a cover of the Magnum song "The Spirit" for good measure.

If this is a precursor to what Edguy will release with Rocket Ride, then I think the world is in for something special. Not only is the production from Paeth superb on this EP, but the band, especially Sammet, just seems to really be locked in and writing great melodies. Edguy seem poised to take that next big step. Go get 'em guys!

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