On the road, The Kola Koca Death Squad are a two-piece rock ensemble that throw in tinges of jazz to create a powerful sound that has it's roots in The Kinks and Green On Red. Their new CD Kola Koca Death Squad brings in additional musicians on bass and organ as well as additional vocals. The result is a fuller sound that still retains the grit and balls of their live shows.
The Kola Koca Death Squad play garage rock the way that Neil Young and Crazy Horse did on Ragged Glory. This is "plug in the amp and wail away" music. "Trying To Remember" is a an all out jam that shows exactly what kind of power two people can bring to a song. Where "Power Stroke" is a three chord rocker that could have been written by Ray Davies and "To Whom It May Concern" has a serious Roger Waters vibe running through it. "Long Way" is a Stones rip off that is very entertaining.
And that is what you will find on Kola Koca Death Squad, a barrage of styles that are played by guys digging the music they are developing. This isn't polished or slick, but simply rockers doing what seems interesting to them. Garage Rock is alive and well in Ohio.
Track Listing
1. Rising Son (4:01)
2. Power Condition (3:25)
3. Out Of Tune With The World (4:17)
4. W.T.F. (4:32)
5. Sadie Gray (2:43)
6. Trying To Remember (4:49)
7. Power Stroke (5:01)
8. Cause and Effect (3:57)
9. Girls In Action (3:30)
10. To Whom It May Concern (4:53)
11. Let's See (3:53)
12. Long Way (2:48)
13. We're Gonna Go With This (4:09)