I'm going to keep this brief, since the band decided to do the same.
Canticles of Armageddon is a four song (five with the intro) EP which is
advertised by the cover sticker as "speed metal under the influence of alcohol".
Whatever. My guess is that most death metal fans prefer their bands on harder
stimulants, such as Speed, Cocaine, or Bitter Contempt for Society at Large.
Despite the shrillness of the vocals and the muddy production on the drums,
Lordes Werre are a more than competent band. It's just that they don't proffer
anything that hasn't been done a million times before. All of their riffs come
from the Napalm Death school of songwriting, with nary a sign of innovation on
this EP's twenty minutes of playing time. If this band continues to progress,
this debut may become a collector's item, but until then it's for completists