My nominees for the least likely candidates to join George W. Bush at the next White House dinner, Nigel Pepper Cock make the mighty Ozzman look positively stuffy. A real ton of laughs for people who appreciate raw, inspired humor, "The New Way" also guarantees wincing, cringing and embarrassed shuffles out the back door for the politically correct. That's okay, because there's room for them too.
Where else but the San Francisco Bay Area would one find an outfit like Nigel Pepper Cock? Where, indeed? Perhaps, like fellow Stanford alum Ken Kesey, these guys ran afoul of some Interzone acid and warped from frat boys to pornographic pranksters. It can happen to the best of us. (The pornography reference, FYI, is quite literal. This album cannot be sold to the under-18 set. Sorry kids).
We are talking here, again, about the funniest musical album since Zappa's pivotal Sheik Yerbouti, and I'm sure were Zappa alive today he would be singing the praises of Nigel Pepper Cock. As the last heads disappeared beneath the pacific blue, some punks emerged who later played with bands such as Dystopia, Destroy and Medication. Like I said, being Stanford material, they knew some metal too, and like Roger Corman, who jumpstarted his career by recutting old Japanese monster movies, they began to stomp like Godzilla. I actually thought I would roll under the bed laughing at their anthem "Stoned," which spoofs Sabbath-y doom to its core; some of their other songs are groovy too, like "Coke Pants."
Nigel Pepper Cock's art pranksterism and perverse sensibilities will not satisfy all comers and some will consider this album simply an offensive joke. That's okay, because we stand at the dawn of a New Pepper Era, and all will be welcomed. Taste the vice of a nude degeneration.