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Nachtmystium: Instinct: Decay

Black metal has been simmering in the American underground for years and now Chicago based Nachtmystium is threatening to blow the doors wide open with their latest release called Instinct: Decay. Much like their Battle Kommand label mates, Xasthur and Leviathan, Nachtymystium has been pushing the sonic envelope further with each release and this time around guitarist / vocalist & founder Azentrius has changed things up by incorporating other diverse influences into the mix.

The disc opens with the chilling, almost psychedelic, e-bow tinged instrumental "Instinct" which suitably sets the listener up to be thrown headlong into the fire with the next cut "A Seed For Suffering". This track alternates between, mid and fast tempos, featuring a brief acoustic interlude as well as some very impressive multi layered soloing from Azentrius. At just over 7 minutes in length, this cut is an early favorite for the best overall track on the CD. Evil gems like "Keep Them Open", "Chosen By No One" and "Circumvention" are absolutely crushing and by the time they have finished rattling the inside of your skull, you'll still be wondering what hit you. Azentrius effectively delivers longer, more intricate compositions complete with tempo changes, melodic solos and subtle trace elements of electronica with shorter and faster tracks which are more to the point. However, what is evident throughout Instinct: Decay is the bands sonic wall of caustic aggression. Azentrius' abrasive, hate spewing, vocal delivery is another main highlight of this disc along with, as mentioned a much improved emphasis on the guitar work as a whole. The production and sound are also a step forward in the right direction from your typical sounding low-fi black metal. Nachtmystium have created a black metal tour de-force with Instinct: Decay; sub sequentially setting the stage for further mayhem to come. The future looks black indeed.

Track Listing
1) Instinct
2) A Seed for Suffering
3) Keep Them Open
4) Chosen By No One
5) Circumvention
6) Eternal Ground
7) Antichrist Messiah
8) Here's To Hoping
9) Abstract Nihilism
10) Decay

Added: September 3rd 2006
Reviewer: Ryan Sparks
Related Link: Battle Kommand Records
Hits: 4020
Language: english

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