Melechesh: Emissaries
The year was 1993 and the City was Jerusalem where the formation of Melechesh: Sumerian Thrashing Black Metal first came to life. The project was envisioned by singer/guitarist/mystic Ashmedi who found the subject matter both compelling and interesting and something that must be brought to life in the Metal community. Rooted firmly in Black Metal, Melechesh also offered something else and that was the elements of Middle Eastern time signatures and musical vibe. The end result would become the self-titled brand of music called Mesopotamian Metal and for those that were also interested in this brand it would be Melechesh who would lead the charge. Their new release Emissaries gives the listener some intense Sumerian Black Metal Thrash with incredibly powerful drumming and guitar work. The two work closely together and sound more like partners that rhythm and lead sections of the music. This feel comes from the fact that Ashmedi also writes the drumming that he wants to accompany his riffs. When you add in his shrieking vocal growls you are taken to a different world of Metal and it's a very quick introduction that you will find when the album delivers "Rebirth Of The Nemesis". Drummer Xul is almost super human on the kit and will surely impress all fans of the blast beats on the piece. Yet, this is not all that his playing involves. Ashmedi is an inspired writer on this recording and this will most probably exceed the expectations of the bands fans who claim how their release Sphinx was the signature recording. Despite its style it's not as over the top with the ethnic feels as to isolate listeners and there is enough traditional Black Metal vibe with a twist of mysticism to make the curious take to this and enjoy it. Rounding out the band is guitarist Moloch and bassist Al Hazred. Hazred also provides keyboard work as needed.
While there is speeding tracks like "Sand Grain Universe" and "Touching The Spheres Of Sephiroth" the guys show that they are capable of being a little deeper than others who deliver other brands of Black Metal to the world. For example the group includes a cover song with "Gyroscope", a song that was originally done by The Tea Party and while I have never heard the original version it surely works well as a Melechesh tune. The thrashing pauses and a breather is given to the listener during "The Scribes Of Ku" where as it plays you envision yourself smoking hookah in a Middle Eastern café more than listening to any sort of Metal album. These tracks change the mood and give the album a lot more impact when it becomes a Thrash Fest once again. This release comes with high recommendations, as it dares to be different and make you think just a little. It you are intrigued by elements of mysticism and middle eastern cultures of the past then Melechesh is the band for you.
Track Listing
1. Rebirth Of The Nemesis (Enuma Elish Rewritten)
2. Ladders To Sumeria
3. Deluge Of Delusional Dream (Act 1 & 2)
4. Touching The Spheres Of Sephiroth
5. Gyroscope
6. Doubled Helixed Sceptre
7. The Scribes Of Kur
8. Leper Jerusalem
9. Sand Grain Universe
10. Emissaries And The Mysterium Magnum
Added: December 27th 2006 Reviewer: Ken Pierce Score:     Related Link: Melechesh Website Hits: 4527 Language: english
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Melechesh: Emissaries Posted by Pete Pardo, SoT Staff Writer on 2006-12-27 15:54:56 My Score:     
Who says that Nile have cornered the market on Middle Eastern-tinged extreme metal? The Jerusalem band (now based in Amsterdam) Melechesh have built up a solid foundation over the last decade, releasing one killer album after another of their so-called "Mesopotamian Metal/Sumerian Thrashing Black Metal". Now, with Emissaries set to unleash itself to the world, Melechesh should finally find themselves on the threshold of extreme metal popularity. Quite frankly, this is one kick-ass release, dripping with ethnic flavors, but more importantly the band combines the raging nature of black metal with death metal's brutality. Lyrically, Malechesh is dabbling in Mesopotamian/Sumerian magick, myths, and occult thems here, so expect to be drawn into this quite quickly, not something that always happens on your run-of-the-mill black metal album.
Musically, this is some pretty unrelenting stuff, with guitars as razor-sharp as some of the best 80's thrash bands, and rhythms that just drill holes into your skull. The lead vocals are lethal, sure to send chills down your spine, and will certainly appeal to those that follow the careers of bands like Dimmu Borgir, Old Man's Child, Dragonlord, Cradle of Filth, and Immortal. In fact, there's really nothing to not like here if you are a fan of the genre-songs like "Rebirth of the Nemesis" and "Touching the Spheres of Sephiroth" are just monsters, highlights among an album full of highlights. Emissaries will be available late January 2007, so start counting the days till the release of what should be one of the most talked about extreme metal albums of next year.
Melechesh: Emissaries Posted by Hugh Dark on 2007-02-21 14:27:13 My Score:   
This the first cd I have heard by this band and I will judge it accordingly. The first thing I did not like is that there are NO guitar solos. There are a few brief moments of harmony embellishments buried in the mix, but that is it. I can not, will not, fully endorse a chicken-shit. You can teach a monkey to play 5ths along side carefully quantized rhythms with enough practice. That being said, I thought the music was an interesting play on dynamics. Much more than the usual band. The songs are well constructed and the vocals sound evil without the usual death grunts. The production is good considering the cheapness helps them maintain their own identity. This is a good extreme metal release, but for me, they have much to prove. With bands like Zero-Hour (I know their not death) supplying the complexity deserving of such praise, death metal musicians can't afford to miss anything. The complexity is what makes some death metal legit. Essentially, put some solos in and raise the bar and I will re-evaluate at a later time.
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