Credit where credit is due: This quartet delivers loud, angry metal and you can understand virtually every growly li'l vocal from beginning to end. But for a band that prides itself on being groove-oriented, the grooves ain't all that much to get excited about and much of this comes off as untamed aggression, the kind of stuff that would better be saved for therapy sessions or perhaps football practice. There might be
cool opening riffs ("Power Smash" is a decent tune until the cliché-laden lyrics kick in; same can be said for "War Infected" and the stupidly-titled "Perfect Enema") here and there and some fantastic beats and even a few (yes, true) grooves that make the
old canine floppies perk up from the verge of sleep, but not much more.
Track Listing
1. Knives in the Dark
2. War Infected
3. Power Smash
4. A Sea of Serpents
5. Testament
6. Hollow Death
7. Sentence Is Death
8. Sacred Scars
9. Perfect Enema
10. Pitchblack
11. All For Extinction