Sometimes when spinning a disc the first few songs are so good that you immediately want to tell all your friends that you've found the latest and greatest band. However, by the time you finish the album you are worn out from the music, find it repetitive, and believe that the band should just stick to 3 songs EPs.
This was my worry when listening to the debut self titled album from Blade of the Ripper. The first few songs dug into my soul with their emotional and believable sound. The lyrics created rhythms that I head- banged to and made me think "this is what true metal is all about." The band didn't fail me. The rest of the album rang the same, and it made me go out and tell people how great this band is. The diversity of the songs on the album, while not necessarily genre traversing, but rather unique entities to themselves, gives the album that special quality where you can listen to repeatedly without getting lulled by monotony and lack of surprise.
The band's sound is difficult to describe (which is a good thing), but it's a blend of doom, traditional metal, thrash, and punk. Don't be deterred by the punk, as its not watered down. And as you know punk is a major part of traditional metal (see: Iron Maiden), and thrash anyhow. Fans of bands like Gates of Slumber should enjoy.
You will be cheating yourself if you don't give this album a listen.
Track listing
1. Burning Black Candles
2. Possessed By The Night
3. The Bite
4. House Of Witchcraft
5. Castle Walls/Trapped
6. Bare-Breasted Countess
7. Speak No More Lies
8. Unholy Night
9. Infinite Darkness
10. A Beast So Pure