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Anterior: This Age of Silence

Sometimes it's hard to believe all the hype, and we can all probably tell many stories of bands who have been talked about and promoted to death and the end result was something not overly memorable or groundbreaking. The UK's Anterior is the latest new discovery from Metal Blade, and have been the darlings of My Space for a while now. Their debut This Age of Silence is a very competent release that shows great potential for this band from Wales, but I'm not sure we should be heaping superstar status on them just yet. The positives-well, they can certainly play their asses off. Expect tons of speedy, well-played thrash-o-rama here, especially from the guitar team of Leon Kemp and Luke Davies, as well as drummer Ross Andrews. Blistering riffs and acrobatic solos litter songs such as "Dead Divine", "The Silent Divide", "Human Hive", and "Seraph", while "Days of Deliverance" just flat out crushes from start to finish. The negatives-well, for starters, Davies has a voice that unfortunately sounds like just about every other metalcore singer on the planet, which doesn't do this music justice 'cause it really ain't your average metalcore by any stretch of the imagination. If he can alter his delivery a bit and do something that fits these type of songs a little better, or better yet have the band let him concentrate on guitar and get a new singer, things might work out better. Also, while there are plenty of decent melodies here, I think the band should work on incorporating a few more memorable hooks next time around. They have the chops, the ferocity, the drive, and the aggression to take on the big boys. With a few tweaks we could be talking about these lads as the next big thing alongside 3 Inches of Blood and Dragonforce. That's how much scary talent is here folks.

Track Listing
1. Ghosts Of Dawn
2. Silent Divide, The
3. Dead Divine
4. Days Of Deliverance
5. Human Hive
6. Stir Of Echoes
7. Scar City
8. Seraph
9. This Age Of Silence

Added: August 11th 2007
Reviewer: Pete Pardo
Related Link: Band's My Space Page
Hits: 3542
Language: english

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» Reader Comments:

Anterior: This Age of Silence
Posted by Jeremy on 2009-01-15 09:26:29
My Score:

You're just crazy. I love the vocals. Just because they sound similar to other bands, doesn't mean they have to be changed. You can go ahead a say that we shouldn't crown them yet, but I actually BOUGHT this album...with money! I think they are perfect they way they are. I can't wait to see what future albums bring. In my opinion they are easily in the top melodic death metal bands out there today.

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