With Out of Order Joop Walters delivers quite an accomplished recording; eclectically spanning the musical expanse with metal ("Broke"& American Dance"), fusion ("Cardiac"& "Dropout" ), and "Dimeolian" acoustic touches ("Harmonic Spheres"). This is really a classy set from start to finish. Excellent production values compliment the integrity of the compositions, making the whole thing very complete. It must be mentioned that Virgil Donati makes a guest appearance on the song "Tied Knots". He may very well be the most accomplished drummer alive today and having him guest on your recording really speaks volumes. His performance is-- as always-- incredible!
Making your mark in the instrumental guitar realm is no easy task, but Joop certainly has a "leg up" on the competition. He instinctively understands how to write good songs--not to harmonically challenging--supplied with the necessary wow factor to achieve this incredibly diverse collection. Fans of instrumental guitar will absolutely enjoy.
Track Listing
1. Broke
2. American Dance
3. Anthem
4. Cardiac
5. Dropout
6. Harmonic Spheres
7. Divide And Conquer
8. Kindering Spirits
9. Heartline
10. Tied Knots
11. Bleed
12. Tjabala
13. Fried Call
14. When Little Angels
15. Sceptic Desire
16. Aragon