To coincide with the current Vader tour of Europe and here in the US, Regain Records is releasing this little four song EP containing all previously released material, but some of it might be somewhat rare for the casual fan. The Polish masters of crushing death/thrash metal have quite a discography of solid extreme metal, and Lead Us!!! offers a quick glimspe of what to expect from this band. "Lead Us!!!" is taken from The Art of War EP that came out a year or so ago, a kick ass track that shows the commanding muscle of this four-piece, with raging drums and guitars crushing the listener as Peter's growling vocals annihilate the landscape. Symphonic keys lead in "The Book", one of the tracks from the more recent Impressions in Blood release, but soon after be prepared for a viscious assault of precision blast beats from Daray and pummeling guitar riffs courtesy of Peter and Masuer. From the Japanese edition of The Art of War comes the blistering thrash piece "Die!!!", and the band's cover song of Slayer's "Raining Blood", previously available on the Japanese version of Impressions in Blood, shows just how this Polish juggernaut out-does the mighty Slayer these days. In fact, if you've gotten frustrated at all with Slayer the past decade or so, give Vader a try to feel the power that the mighty Slayer had back in the day. This EP also contains the videos for "This is War", "Helleluyah (God Is Dead)" (which is truly killer!), and "Sword Of The Witcher", the latter two previously available on the recent And Blood Was Shed in Warsaw DVD release.
There's some great, lurid artwork by Seth adorning this EP, and you also get lyrics to all the songs, but for the most part Lead Us!!! will be mainly for Vader completists only.
Track Listing
1 Lead Us!!!
2 The Book
3 Die!!!
4 Raining Blood
5 This Is The War (Video)
6 Helleluyah (God Is Dead) (Video)
7 Sword Of The Witcher (Video)