Named after a pesky foe of Japan's favorite monster, Godzilla, comes this intriguing metal trio Gigan. Their new release, The Order of the False Eye, finds the band on Napalm Records, a strange home considering that the band's brand of sonic mayhem is quite different from what you would normally expect on the label. There's no power, gothic, black, or pagan metal to be found in these grooves, no way shape or form. Gigan pump out waves of technical, psychedelic death metal, sort of like a head-on-collision between The Dillinger Escape Plan, Cannibal Corpse, Arsis, and Behold the Arctopus. Vocals border on the demented, a mixture of growls and screams, and with all the raging blast beats and dizzying guitar work, things can get quite chaotic, and often do, throughout The Order of the False Eye. Despite the manic frenzy, it all seems to work, the tunes having just the slightest bit of melody and spaciness to go along with the extreme bombast. Tracks like "Still Image Symphony" and "Imprisoned Within Duality" are brutal death metal cuts, but there's so much going on with all the jazzy guitar lines and tricky drum passages mixed in with the death metal bludgeoning, that you can't help but be sucked in. Favorite cut has to be the space rock-meets-death metal horror show that is "Hiding Behind The House Of Mirrors", Sci-Fi blips and bleeps bopping all over the landscape before the band unleashes a fury of crushing extreme metal.
The Order of the False Eye certainly won't be for everyone, but if you are interested in experiencing some truly 'out there' psychedelic, avant-garde metal, then this new one from Gigan is sure to push plenty of the right buttons for you.
Track Listing
1. Undead Auditory Emanations 3:40
2. Occult Rites Of The Uumpluuy 4:14
3. Still Image Symphony 4:23
4. Imprisoned Within Duality 4:27
5. Hiding Behind The House Of Mirrors 8:06
6. Chrysalis 3:21
7. Interstellar Inversion Of Consciousness 4:11
8. Space Coffin Hallucinations 6:06
9. Hidden Track 21:26